
How To Remove Sewn In Tags


custmsprty is offline

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Re: How to remove towel tags?

I buy towels that don't accept tags.

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2black1s is offline

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Re: How to remove towel tags?

I stick my finger between the tag to make a loop and then tear information technology out 1 ply at a time. If you lot tear merely one ply at a fourth dimension it volition normally not affect the stitching. And then I utilize tweezers to remove the final remnants.


FUNX650 is offline

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Re: How to remove towel tags?

For microfiber towels to take sewn-in tags
nowadays, just seems so maladroit.


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cardaddy is offline

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Re: How to remove towel tags?

Quote Originally Posted by dcjredline View Post

Um, not sure if you are joking but just in example...I'chiliad talking about the mention of towels non sold hither at AG.

OMG.... wasn't *that* post (the "rules" 1) something that Xi Jinping, or better yet... Kim Jong-united nations would exist MOST proud of.

As for removing 'tags' (on towels of a brand we won't mention, bought at a place we can't say) or on ANY towels that tend to have the 'loop' tag sewn in, in that location is an easy way to get the out, that doesn't involve a sharp object.

First... WASH (and dry them). Of course you should be washing all your towels before using.

At present that they are all dried:
slip your finger into the loop
concur i side of the loop very tightly, between your thumb and index finger
Give ONLY that one side a quick "yank" in i direction (not enough to totally remove it, just getting information technology started).
Then give that aforementioned side a quick "SNAP" in the other direction.

Unremarkably that'll be all you need to remove *Half* the tag.
In one case half of information technology has been removed, then movement to the other one-half.
Quick "SNAP" in one direction followed by a "YANK" in the other, and the tags tend to come up off.

DO NOT try and yank, snap, rip, tear or otherwise manhandle the entire 'loop' at once... lest you do indeed damage the outside of the towel. Also... if that method doesn't piece of work after outset wash, it generally does afterwards the second 1.

Now I don't have any of the towels that you showed a photo of, so can't say for those EXACT ones. Merely I have had some from 'those guys' that were swapped out by a fellow member. They were of the gilded plush variety. (However.. I don't call up them having sewn-in tags.)

I *Exercise* keep a bundle of towels sitting effectually from the big membership warehouse that starts with "cost", and ends with "co".... which always have sewn-in tags. I've used the above method for a proficient 5 years on them and have managed to impairment the edge of the towel maybe 2~three times total, (out of at LEAST 30~35 dozen).


VISITOR is offline

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Re: How to remove towel tags?

Quote Originally Posted by AutoApollo View Post

Perfect idea, although it's a long process its well worth it. Thanks!

it will cutting shut to the edge without the run a risk of damaging the border/stiching from un-threading if you were to just rip them off. been using these for many years without any issues and they work keen...


Boejoula is offline

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Re: How to remove towel tags?

I usually just rip them off.


JWilliams.RadiantDetail is offline

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Re: How to remove towel tags?

I have recklessly ripped many tags from many MF towels in my days. And I've never had a towel fall autonomously noticeably faster than tagless towels I've had

ymmv of course.


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