
When Can You Call Lester To Remove Wanted Level

A histrion escaping the police in Grand Theft Auto Online.

The Wanted Level in Chiliad Theft Machine Online is a measure out to determine how much the player is wanted by the Los Santos Police Department, the Los Santos County Sheriff and/or NOOSE. Unlike many previous games in the series and like to the wanted level arrangement in Grand Theft Auto V, Chiliad Theft Auto Online features a v-star scale rather than six.


  • 1 Description
  • 2 Wanted Levels
    • ii.1 I Star
    • ii.two Two Stars
    • two.iii Three Stars
    • ii.4 Four Stars
    • two.5 5 Stars
  • three In Missions
    • 3.i Non-Arrangement/MC Guild Freemode Action
    • 3.2 VIP/CEO Works/Challenges
    • 3.3 Motorcycle Club Piece of work/Missions/Challenges
    • 3.4 Gunrunning
  • iv Restricted Areas
  • v Military
  • 6 In-game instruction
  • 7 Escaping a Wanted Level
  • 8 Achievements/Trophies
  • ix Soundtracks
  • 10 Trivia


In dissimilarity with constabulary in previous installments and in Thousand Theft Auto V, constabulary officers in Grand Theft Auto Online are much more ambitious and persistent when it comes to chasing later on the perpetrator. The law AI is noticeably much more intelligent; police officers are more capable of avoiding obstacles. They will too now use a wider range of methods to apprehend the player; examples include the PIT maneuver and attempting to corner and "box in" the thespian'southward vehicle. When chasing subsequently the player in a vehicle, police officers tend to ram the back end of the player'south car, which may send it spinning out of control. Like in Grand Theft Automobile IV and Yard Theft Automobile Five, any officeholder volition besides commandeer civilian vehicles to continue a pursuit if their own police vehicle is destroyed or becomes inaccessible. Also similar to these two games is the ability for police to answer to crimes committed out of their sight, as civilians can call the police on their cell phones to report crimes. Unlike GTA 5 however, the civilians will never physically pull out their phone and telephone call the law when witnessing a crime committed.

Police search the player in the aforementioned fashion as Thou Theft Auto Iii. No search radius is deployed; instead, the police will search across the entire map. Each individual officeholder has a field of view, and will actively pursue the player if he/she enters the field. This makes it notoriously hard when avoiding officers in Police Maverick helicopters, as their field of view is significantly larger than a four-star search radius in M Theft Automobile Four.

I noticeably major departure between constabulary in Grand Theft Auto Five and One thousand Theft Auto Online is that the police volition never perform an abort. When a wanted level is gained, the police will only shoot and do not stop until the player dies, calls Lester to remove the wanted level, or evades them for a long enough time.

Wanted Levels

I Star

At a i-star wanted level, the actor is considered to have committed a "pocket-sized" crime. The police force will never attempt to really arrest the protagonist by means of gunpoint like the previous games when a one-star wanted level is gained; instead, they will immediately shoot to impale.

A one-star wanted level tin can be caused by committing the following deeds:

  • Pedestrians
    • Running over or hitting a pedestrian with a vehicle.
    • Killing a pedestrian past means of fists, melee weapons, or guns.
    • Showing any physical assailment (punching, boot, or shoving) towards a pedestrian while in sight of police (A wanted level will not always exist given if the pedestrian is already hostile and attacks the player kickoff; instead, the pedestrian will be arrested if he/she throws the outset punch).
      • Other methods of causing injury.
      • Pushing too many pedestrians while on foot (PS3/Xbox 360 only).
      • Pushing a pedestrian against another pedestrian sitting down.
      • Chirapsia up a dead torso in sight of an officeholder, fire-eater, or paramedic.
    • Pointing a gun at a pedestrian while in sight of police force.
  • Police Officers and Police Vehicles
    • Insulting a police officer.
      • Performing an activity in front of an officer.
      • Honking a vehicle's horn numerous times near an officer.
      • Performing a burnout in forepart of an officeholder.
      • Walking or bumping into an officer numerous times.
      • Getting in the way of a law vehicle for likewise long past standing in front of them.
    • Bumping or crashing into an occupied law vehicle.
    • Damaging a non-police force vehicle while in sight of an officeholder, or if reported.
      • Damaging an unoccupied police vehicle in sight of an officer, or if reported.
    • Standing on superlative of an occupied police vehicle.
    • Injuring or running over a security guard.
    • Standing in front of a moving law car without moving out of the fashion after a couple of seconds.
  • World
    • If reported by a pedestrian, causing damage to the world with a vehicle.
    • Setting off an explosion, even if no damage is done (Such every bit firing an RPG or triggering a sticky flop).
    • Being caught by a security baby-sit while trespassing at the Kortz Center afterwards hours.
  • Vehicles
    • If reported, stealing a vehicle not owned by the actor, whether occupied or unoccupied.
      • Driving near an officer with a vehicle's alarm active.
      • Killing the owner of a vehicle with a firearm or melee weapons during or later on carjacking.
      • Driving a stolen vehicle in sight of police that has not been resprayed.
    • If reported, performing a most miss at a pedestrian (performing a near miss at an officer or security guard will always outcome in a wanted level if the player doesn't exit quickly).
    • Crash-landing an shipping, but not exploding information technology.
      • Bailing out of an aircraft and exploding it.
    • Driving a vehicle on fire while in sight of an officer.
    • Being caught drunk driving (drunk driving in an emergency vehicle, such as the Police Bohemian and Police Cruiser, will always give the player a wanted level even without witnesses).
    • Knocking downwards a large number of motorcyclists with a vehicle, or if reported.
    • Colliding and exploding a vehicle with some other vehicle.
  • Services
    • Attacking a paramedic, either by fists, melee weapons, or guns.
    • Attacking a firefighter, either by fists, melee weapons, or guns.
  • Other players
    • Attacking or killing another actor while in sight of police.
  • Miscellaneous Crimes
    • Existence caught shoplifting items at convenience stores.
    • Causing commotion inside a convenience store by swell windows or products using a melee weapon, punching the clerk, or trespassing into the back room and ignoring the clerk's second warning.
    • Being caught stealing money from the cashier in stores (ii Stars will be given if the player holds the cashier at gunpoint during the robbery).
    • Requesting Ballistic Equipment or Ammo Drop with an officer nearby.
    • Rarely, the player may randomly earn a wanted level without any reason despite non committing any of the crimes.

During a ane-star wanted level, the LSPD in Los Santos will utilize the Police Cruiser (Interceptor), and the LSCS in Blaine Canton will utilize the Sheriff Cruiser. The LSPD and the sheriff will operate the Predator if the player swims or drives a boat into the body of water.

Two Stars

Like in the one-star wanted level, police force will yet try to kill the actor. During pursuits, officers actively chase the player and bulldoze much more aggressively, now attempting to ram the thespian off the route. Pursuits are also far more coordinated; constabulary cars may now wait at the side of the road to "ambush" the player equally he/she drives past, or blending into civilian traffic with their lights and sirens deactivated until the thespian draws nigh. At two stars, a minimum of 3 police force cars volition be chasing the player. Officers volition also shoot from their police force vehicles if shots are fired from the player or if a weapon is pointed in their direction.

A two-star wanted level can be caused by committing the post-obit crimes:

  • Pedestrians
    • Shooting at or pointing a gun at an officer or security guard.
    • Killing, injuring or attacking a noncombatant within sight of a police officer.
    • Killing pedestrians while already at a one-star wanted level.
  • Constabulary
    • Attacking a police force enforcement officeholder with fists, melee weapons, or guns.
    • Running over, but not necessarily killing, an officer or baby-sit with a vehicle.
    • Resisting arrest, either past fighting law enforcement or attempting to run/drive away.
    • Shooting and killing a security guard with a firearm.
      • Threatening a police officer with a firearm.
      • Shooting a gun in sight of constabulary, fifty-fifty if the gun is not aimed at anyone.
    • Stealing a constabulary vehicle most any police station or anywhere else in the game while in sight of constabulary.
    • Physically attacking a police vehicle that is occupied past at least one officer.
    • Killing a prison guard protecting Bolingbroke Penitentiary while outside of the prison'southward perimeter.
    • Trespassing in the Davis Sheriff'south Station'due south impound lot to retrieve the histrion'due south Personal Vehicle without paying the fine.
  • Vehicles
    • Taking down an aircraft occupied by another player.
    • Destroying an unoccupied aircraft (No Wanted Level will be given if said aircraft is owned by the thespian).
    • Shooting downward or crashing an aircraft occupied by at least 1 civilian.
    • Crashing a vehicle the role player is driving at high speed while in sight of police.
  • Services
    • Killing a paramedic (with a firearm merely; other methods of killing will just grant one star).
    • Killing a firefighter (with a firearm just; other methods of killing will but grant one star).
      • Attacking a paramedic or fire fighter while in sight of constabulary.
  • Miscellaneous Crimes
    • Standing on top of a cable car at Mount Thousand.
      • Landing on a cable car with a parachute.
    • Refusing to leave the Los Santos Golf game Social club after a verbal alert has been given.
    • Flight over the airspace of Fort Zancudo (If the histrion does not own a Hangar in the base) after a warning is given to leave.
    • Firing an explosive weapon, running over armed services personnel, or stealing a vehicle within of Fort Zancudo (If the player owns a Hangar in the base).
    • Holding up a store. (Whilst the deed of robbing a store gives only a one-star wanted level, this will increase to ii equally soon as the actor leaves the store. Due to the lack of the Busted mechanic in GTA Online, however, this will simply result in a ii-star wanted level instantly.)
    • Stealing any vehicle that was requested past Simeon.

Vehicles: Police Cruiser, Sheriff Cruiser, Police force Predator (H2o Just).

Three Stars

At three stars, the constabulary widen their range of tactics to stop the actor. They volition set upward roadblocks with their police force cars and constabulary transporters, which may also ready out a spike strip on the road behind them. All officers that spawn when three or more stars are attained will be wearing bulletproof vests. Officers will sew to the player if they are stationary in a vehicle, drag them out, and instantly kill them with their weapon. A Police Maverick helicopter volition exist chosen in to shadow the player and provide air support in the form of NOOSE officers that ride on board. At night, the helicopter will shine a spotlight on the player to highlight their location to ground units. A minimum of four law cars and a police helicopter will be sent after the histrion at any given time, but when passing a roadblock, officers may become in their vehicles in club to join the chase. The Police force helicopter will e'er stay on station until its fuel runs low, at which betoken it will return to base; however, information technology will be replaced by another in curt order.

A iii-star wanted level can be acquired by committing the post-obit crimes:

  • Pedestrians
    • Standing to impale civilians or other players while already at ii stars.
    • Shooting and killing whatsoever pedestrians in The Diamond Casino & Resort.
  • Police
    • Running over and killing a law enforcement officer, guard, or soldier.
    • Killing a law enforcement officer or soldier, either by fists, melee weapons, or guns.
    • Trespassing behind the data desk-bound, into the staircase, or on the rooftop of the constabulary station in Mission Row.
      • Standing backside or using the police calculator on the police counter within Mission Row.
    • Shooting a criminal during a constabulary shooting (also known as Vigilantism).
    • Shooting a firearm in near proximity of Bolingbroke Penitentiary.
    • Attacking Fort Zancudo Personnel.
  • Vehicles
    • Destroying a 2d unoccupied aircraft after ii stars were given.
    • Simultaneously destroying several vehicles and/or blowing up civilian traffic (at to the lowest degree three stars; the Wanted Level may exist raised if excessive devastation occurs).
    • Shooting down any aircraft occupied by an officeholder or soldier.
    • Colliding into an NPC-controlled aircraft and destroying information technology.
    • Continuously attacking or ramming into several vehicles while already at 2 stars.
    • Attacking or destroying a Stockade truck (PS3/Xbox 360 only).
    • Failing to return and/or destroying a requested vehicle from Lester.
  • Miscellaneous Crimes
    • Robbing several stores within a sure amount of fourth dimension without changing glasses or masks.
      • Shooting the cashier during or later robbing a store.

Vehicles: Police Cruiser, Police Transporter, Police Maverick, Sheriff Cruiser, Police force Predator (Water Simply).

Four Stars

A Police Maverick landing and deploying a NOOSE team to engage the player on the roof of the Los Santos Naval Port

At a 4-star wanted level, NOOSE teams volition exist sent to eliminate the actor. They volition go far in FIB Grangers or Sheriff SUVs, depending on whether they are in Los Santos or Blaine Canton. Each vehicle contains iii NOOSE officers - one driving, and other 2 hanging on the sides as they burn down their weapons at the actor. NOOSE will also endeavour to gun the player downwardly from Police Mavericks overhead with their Carbine Rifles; up to three Constabulary Mavericks may now become involved, although only two will be typically deployed at any one time. When the officers aboard helicopters cannot get a shot at their target, they may rappel out of the helicopter and engage the thespian on the ground. On rare occasions, a Police Bohemian will as well attempt to land if there is plenty room to do and then, deploying a team of five NOOSE officers direct towards the histrion. Armored NOOSE riot vans volition also be deployed to set roadblocks. At this wanted level, a minimum of five police footing vehicles and ii police helicopters will be sent after the player at whatsoever given fourth dimension, though officers in roadblocks will also make it their cars and chase the thespian. Unlike a three-star wanted level, police (mainly NOOSE) volition now attempt to shoot the player from inside their vehicles, fifty-fifty if no shots are fired from the histrion first.

A iv-star wanted level can be caused past committing the post-obit crimes:

  • Pedestrians
    • Continuing to murder civilians and players after the third star was given.
  • Constabulary
    • Continuing to retaliate confronting law enforcement.
    • Destroying a pursuing Law Maverick (Can sometimes take at least two downed units to attain the 4th star).
    • Attacking or killing a prison house guard inside Bolingbroke Penitentiary.
  • Vehicles
    • Destroying a 4th unoccupied aircraft later three stars are given.
    • Standing to blow up traffic after the 3rd star is given.
  • Miscellaneous Crimes
    • Trespassing in Fort Zancudo (If the player doesn't own a Hangar in the base).
      • Entering the air traffic control belfry in Fort Zancudo, even if the thespian owns a Hangar in the base.
    • Continuing to fly over the airspace of Fort Zancudo (If the thespian does not ain a Hangar in the base) afterward a 2-star wanted level is previously gained.
    • Trespassing in Bolingbroke Penitentiary.
    • Flying low over or landing in Bolingbroke Penitentiary.
    • Killing a prison guard protecting Bolingbroke Penitentiary while within the prison'southward perimeter.
    • Robbing at least four stores whilst killing the owner in a row.

Vehicles: Police Cruiser, Police force Transporter, Police Maverick, FIB Granger, Sheriff Cruiser, Sheriff SUV, Constabulary Riot, Police Predator (Water But).

V Stars

A connected pursuit with four stars will eventually give the player a five-star wanted level, the highest wanted level in the game. The streets volition now be filled with constabulary personnel and characteristic very fiddling, if any, civilian traffic. Numerous constabulary cars and NOOSE vehicles will hunt for the histrion and fix multiple roadblocks. At five stars, an indefinite number of police force vehicles, also equally upwardly to three Police Mavericks, volition exist chasing the histrion, although ordinarily only two volition exist deployed at any one time. A significantly higher proportion of NOOSE units volition be involved when compared to four stars. Unlike police from Grand Theft Auto IV, normal police officers will non perform drive-past shootings during a chase; only NOOSE officers will endeavour to shoot the histrion while driving, firing ceaselessly from their Grangers.

A five-star wanted level can exist caused by committing the following crimes:

  • Pedestrians
    • Continuing to murder civilians subsequently the 3rd and 4th stars were given.
  • Police
    • Continuing to retaliate against law enforcement.
    • Killing a big number of police personnel.
  • Vehicles
    • Destroying a large number of cars, boats, bikes, helicopters, or other vehicles.
  • Miscellaneous Crimes
    • Firing a missile in a Buzzard or P-996 Lazer within the runways at Los Santos International Drome.
    • Robbing all 24/7 stores whilst killing the owner, without getting wasted.

Vehicles: Police Cruiser, Police Transporter, Police Bohemian, FIB Granger, Sheriff Cruiser, Sheriff SUV, Police Riot, Police Predator (Water Just).

In Missions

All wanted levels volition be triggered by a unique criminal offense in certain missions listed below.

Non-Organization/MC Club Freemode Activity

  • Distract Cops - Entering the distraction zone begins a 1-star wanted level and increases by 1 star every ii minutes to reach v stars (PS3/Xbox 360).

VIP/CEO Works/Challenges

  • Nugget Recovery - Stealing a target vehicle at the beginning of the VIP work triggers three stars when driving a motorbike or iv stars when driving a car. The level will decrease to ii stars when arriving nigh the destination.
  • Hostile Takeover - (All wanted level status will remain until the actor successfully delivers the briefcase)
    • Altruist Cult - Stealing the briefcase from Altruists triggers a three-star wanted level.
    • LSIA - Entering virtually the hangar of LSIA will trigger a four-star wanted level.
    • Merryweather Base - Stealing the briefcase from Merryweather volition trigger a 3-star wanted level.
    • Fort Zancudo - Entering the base and aiming triggers a five-star wanted level.
  • Headhunter - Wanted levels will trigger based on the thespian'due south deportment if the bodyguards and the target were provoked.
    • Assassinating a second target gives every organization member a one-star wanted level. Two stars if a tertiary target was assassinated. The wanted level condition will be cleared once all targets are assassinated.
      • However, after finishing a mission, a one-star wanted level will exist given if the role player remains in the scene for also long while being spotted by bodyguards.
    • Attacking and/or destroying a moving target vehicle gives the player one to 2 stars. Destroying two target vehicles and/or killing a target past the same player with ii stars gives them a three-star wanted level.
    • Provoking a target or bodyguards near the area will trigger a one-star wanted level.
  • Nigh Wanted - A VIP Claiming, initiated by the VIP/CEO, in which all players must survive a v-star wanted level for 10 minutes.
  • Courier Service - Collecting the bag of cash triggers a three-star wanted level until the actor successfully delivers information technology to the destination.
  • Cashing Out - Sometimes a wanted level will trigger randomly between 1 to iii stars if the player hacks an ATM.
  • Buy Special Cargo - Wanted levels between 1 to 3 stars will trigger based on the difficulty called. For example, ownership ane crate with a police force mission triggers one star, two crates triggers two stars, and iii crates three stars. The following missions involving wanted level:
    • Police Chemical compound - Triggers upon entry to the police impound lot.
    • Ambush - Triggers when entering a special cargo vehicle waiting for the opportunity to trigger a hunt, or by killing them.
    • Police Seizure - Triggers if shooting a Police force Transporter containing special cargo.
    • Personnel Issue - Triggers if all targets and nearby NPCs get spooked.
    • Crash Site - Triggers if a histrion enters the crash site.
  • Vehicle Cargo - Similar the special cargo missions, all missions that give wanted levels are based on the value of the vehicle. For example, sourcing a standard range vehicle involving a wanted level triggers i star, ii stars if sourcing a mid range vehicle, and three stars if sourcing a pinnacle range vehicle. The following missions involve a wanted level:
    • Amateur Thief - Shooting and disrupting the police force chase or vehicle cargo volition e'er trigger a three-star wanted level regardless of its value.
    • Detective Work - Has a risk to trigger once the vehicle is reportedly stolen.
    • Mobile Vehicles - Has a take chances to trigger once the vehicle is reportedly stolen, even if the owner of the vehicle is killed.
    • Heist Crew - Shooting any armed services personnel triggers a wanted level when trying to steal a Cargobob.
    • Movie Stunt - Triggers if security guards see a role player killing ane of them or being spotted stealing.
    • Traffic Cease - Triggers if arriving too close to their proximity of the driver and officers issuing a ticket.
    • Crime Scene - Triggers if the player enters the offense scene, even if the cops despawn.

Motorcycle Gild Work/Missions/Challenges

  • By The Pound - Two stars will exist given when the histrion meets upwardly with an undercover drug dealer holding the product in Rogers Salvage & Scrap.
  • Jailbreak - Stealing the Prison Passenger vehicle gives the player iii stars, although the police difficulty has been reduced.
  • Ix Tenths of the Law - Stealing the motorcycles from La Mesa Police Station triggers a two-star wanted level, though a member that drives away from the station will clear the wanted level condition for all MC members.
  • P.O.West. - Triggers two stars when arriving at 1 of the locations given.
    • Mission Row Police force Station
    • LSIA Subway
  • Criminal Mischief - Biker Meleeing an occupied police vehicle on the map triggers a ii-star wanted level.
  • On The Run - Triggers v stars when initiated past the Sergeant-at-Arms. In the mission, players must survive the law for 10 minutes on their motorcycles.


  • Supplies/Steal Missions
    • Rhino Tank - Entering the training area while stealing a Rhino Tank triggers a 4-star wanted level with the difficulty of cop presence reduced. The wanted level status will be cleared once the tank arrives near the bunker.
    • Youga Classic - Has a take chances of triggering a one-star wanted level right after stealing the vehicle with supplies.
    • Distract Police - The Wanted level will cap upwardly to iv stars when at least one member of the system distract all nearby cops. A wanted level will trigger if the distracting member drives too close to the supplies, failing to cooperate by stealing the vehicle without having a member gain four stars, or if the distracting member dies during a distraction.
    • Ballistic Equipment - A three-star wanted level will trigger when arriving too close to military personnel guarding the Ballistic Equipment.
  • Supplies/Sell Missions
    • Phantom Wedge - Upon entering the vehicle, a iii-star wanted level volition be given to all organization or MC members. The Wanted level status will be cleared once the Phantom arrives closer to the drop-off (A one-star wanted level will be gained, though, due to a glitch).
    • Insurgent Pick-Up Custom - Sometimes, an organisation or MC will receive a wanted level upon delivering to the driblet-off.

Restricted Areas

At that place are several restricted areas in GTA Online that are off-limits to the protagonists and volition automatically grant the player a wanted level should they trespass within. While inside any of these areas, the Lower Wanted Level crook will not function, and the player volition exist unable to lose their heat unless they exit the area. Restricted areas include:

  • Fort Zancudo - Entering the base will give the actor a four-star wanted level. Flying over it will requite only two stars, although this will quickly escalate to four if the thespian does not move away quickly. Even so, as a part of Smuggler's Run update, it is unrestricted if the role player owns a hangar at Fort Zancudo.
  • Bolingbroke Penitentiary - Entering the prison or flight low over information technology will requite the actor a four-star wanted level.
  • Kortz Eye - Inbound the Center after hours and being defenseless by a security guard volition earn the actor a one-star wanted level.

War machine

While the war machine volition never be chosen in to pursue the player, military personnel may go involved in the chase if it occurs most Fort Zancudo. Typically this involves soldiers in Crusaders, who volition give hunt to the player and attempt to arrest them in GTA Online, although they will shoot the player if they resist arrest. On the base itself, military personnel will shoot to impale. Whatsoever patrolling Rhino tanks will likewise become involved and may exit the base of operations to join the pursuit if the player stays too shut for too long, using their cannons to attempt and impale the actor.

In-game instruction

In the mission Los Santos Customs during the introduction, when the player gets a wanted level for the kickoff fourth dimension, the following instructions will appear:

  • If the Cops spot you lot in a stolen vehicle you will gain a Wanted Level. You can respray your vehicle at Los Santos Customs.

Escaping a Wanted Level

To escape a wanted level, the player must stay out of sight of the constabulary pursuers (in the "cone search mode") for a period of time (the length of fourth dimension depends on the severity of the wanted level). When the wanted stars in the corner of the screen are flashing, it ways the player is out of sight. The slower they are flashing, the closer the player is to escaping. If a police pursuer spots the player and the chase reverts to active fashion, the escape timer will reset.

The player is able to phone call Lester Crest afterward achieving rank 21 to immediately remove the wanted level for a fee of $200 per star. If the player completes The Doomsday Heist, Lester volition remove the player'southward wanted level for free, if called.

If the actor is flying an Akula while having a wanted level of three or more stars, activating its stealth mode will reduce the wanted level to ii stars, thus making it easier for the player to lose the remaining stars.

The player can reduce their wanted level by one star by changing their appearance - this can exist done past putting on or taking off a mask or sunglasses while the search is in "search cone" mode. This will mean they have less fourth dimension to wait out the search.

Failure to escape volition consequence in the histrion either being arrested or killed. If the player is within a block radius of their Personal Vehicle, their vehicle will be impounded.

Using the railway organization is perchance the easiest way to escape considering the police have a hard time following the thespian on rail. They will not bulldoze on the tracks and will only follow on human foot into railway tunnels (where they can be sniped before they trigger detection).

For each star that the histrion successfully evades (not removes), they will receive 100 RP, so evading five stars rewards 500 RP.


Thou Theft Auto Online shares achievements and trophies related to Wanted Level with Grand Theft Auto V.


Many different scores tin can play during wanted levels, well-nigh of them originally from Yard Theft Motorcar V, with growing intensity as wanted stars are gained. These soundtracks volition brainstorm to play before long after obtaining at least 3 wanted stars, and volition play when on foot or in a vehicle without the radio on. These soundtracks only play when Music Volume is active. Some soundtracks are specific to area; wanted soundtracks in Blaine Canton differ from those in Los Santos County.

The soundtracks have several phases, including the cooldown zone, and each soundtrack has special stems which play when the player is subconscious or losing their wanted level. A special audio result also plays when the player loses their wanted level.

Wanted level soundtracks overrule the flying soundtrack, which plays while in an aircraft, but do non overrule mission soundtracks.

The wanted level soundtracks, like regular mission soundtracks or radio music, practise not play in the Rockstar Editor. Wanted level tracks practise not play in Director Manner.


  • If the histrion is in a vehicle and being chased past the police, civilians may occasionally help the police by either attempting to ram the player'south vehicle off the road, or by blocking the player'southward path.
    • Similarly, if one disables a police force vehicle but does not impale the police officers, the officers may commandeer a noncombatant auto to continue the pursuit.
  • The cone shapes on the radar during a wanted level are comparable to Manhunt' hiding system and the police search mechanic beginning seen in the Wanted Level organization in Peachy, both Rockstar games.
  • It is possible to lose the cops by hiding in bushes, around copse and entering the tram (if in a bush, be wary that helicopters will still shoot at the player even if they are out of sight of the police).
  • NOOSE teams and Security Guards do non endeavor to arrest the player, simply security guards will shoot at them even if they take a one-star wanted level. Unlike Grand Theft Auto IV, NOOSE teams could arrest the role player.
  • The player can hide in their apartment or garage to lose their wanted level; however, similar to the Los Santos Customs, the player tin can only enter if they are out of sight of the law. Police force will occasionally spawn near the role player's apartment if they accept a loftier wanted level. Even so some backdrop (e.yard. Biker Business or Bunker) can be accessed even if the police can see the player.
  • The LSSD (Los Santos County Sheriff's Department) will have no differences with the LSPD in driving and gunfight tactics (despite Lester challenge that the LSPD officers receive better training in Paleto Score Setup).
  • The San Andreas Highway Patrol will pursue the actor using Constabulary Bikes and shoot players with their pistol even if having only one star. Notice that they do not appear normally during pursuits, and only chase the player if roaming nearly a spawn point (such equally near a highway). [citation/verification needed]
  • If the player is on the road with a wanted level, law vehicles will sometimes spawn ahead on the road either slowly driving or remaining stationary, with their sirens off. This replicates a normal patrolling vehicle that is non aware of the player's approach just has the side-effect of causing players to confuse the police force vehicles with other civilian vehicles in the traffic.
  • It is possible for the histrion to escape the police in locations that would appear to exist easily accessible to the pursuers. For case, the police will very rarely chase a thespian into the subway construction tunnel leading off the Del Perro Motorway under the Alta Street overpass.
  • At that place are several places where the search cone mode seems to ignore the vertical axis and police above ground tin "see" players hiding in hush-hush tunnels with no direct line of sight to the player.
  • Should the player be in a stationary vehicle whilst out of sight of the law, the protagonist inside can be seen looking around anxiously until the police force spot the histrion or surrender.
  • In the enhanced version, the police volition always drive-by shoot at the player if they acquires 4 stars or more.
  • If the thespian looks at another thespian who has a wanted level, a star can be seen next to the wanted thespian'southward name, containing a number (from 1 to 5) reflecting the severity of the wanted level they accept.

When Can You Call Lester To Remove Wanted Level,


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