
How To Remove White Deodorant Stains From Black Shirts

A white t-shirt with a yellowed underarm stain.

How to remove deodorant stains from clothes

Nothing'south worse than putting on your favourite superlative on in the morning merely to find information technology unwearable thanks to unsightly deodorant stains. Luckily, we've got some constructive techniques to help you get your clothes looking sleek once again – many involving things you already take in your dwelling house. Then, whether it'due south a yellow residue left on your all-time white shirt, or white marks on your little blackness dress, there'south no need to worry almost deodorant stains when yous follow these useful tips and tricks.

Instead of removing deodorant stains, attempt preventing them

Don't be left wondering how to remove deodorant stains from clothes after they appear; forestall them happening in the showtime place with these simple tips:

  • Wait until your deodorant is completely dry before getting dressed to ensure as little transfer as possible

  • Launder whites and lite-coloured clothes every bit shortly as you're washed wearing them to finish the bacteria institute in sweat from mixing with the ingredients in your deodorant to grade those pesky yellow stains

How to go deodorant stains out using everyday items

If y'all've left it a bit late and are at present trying to figure out how to get deodorant stains out of clothes, merely have a look around your dwelling house. It's possible that you already own some of these stain-busting products. If the first method you try doesn't remove the stain completely, yous can e'er try one of the other solutions below. Earlier you brainstorm, remember to read the garment care label and to test your stain removal solution on an inconspicuous part of the item first.

Nylon stockings (yes, really!)

  • This is a nifty trick to use for coloured clothing. Effort rubbing nylon stockings, a dry towel, or even a clean sock on the stain, then popular the item in the washing automobile with a color-safe detergent that's designed to help clothes stay vibrant, like Persil Color Washing Capsules . This method is ideal for removing marks left backside from a deodorant stick.

Water and lemon juice

  • Apply a mixture of equal parts water and lemon juice to the stain, so get out in the sunday for an hour earlier rinsing your garment and washing it as normal in your washing machine. The natural bleaching outcome of both the lemon juice and the lord's day is keen for fading deodorant stains on calorie-free clothing.

Slap-up laundry detergent

  • Using the Stain Eraser Ball, apply a pocket-sized amount of Persil Bio Liquid to the stain. Gently rub the stain using the bottom of the Stain Eraser Ball and allow it to sit for a few minutes before washing at the highest temperature the care label permits. Dry normally.

White vinegar

  • Soak the stain in white vinegar for about an hour and brush the deodorant stain with an quondam, make clean toothbrush. And then pop the garment in the washing motorcar with a biological detergent. Soaking deodorant stains in white vinegar is suitable for both white and coloured clothes.

Baking soda and h2o

  • Brand a paste out of three parts bicarbonate of soda to 1-part water, rub onto the stain, and allow to sit for a couple of hours then launder in a hot h2o cycle. This method is ideal for stale, yellow deodorant stains.


  • Crush three or 4 aspirin tablets and make a paste using the same steps to a higher place. This method should simply exist used for white habiliment.

So there you have information technology: being able to prevent and remove deodorant stains really is every bit easy as that. Only follow our tips to remove whatsoever deodorant stains you find and your clothes and don't forget to read our other stain-busting articles – like how to remove sweat stains.


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