Think almost the last time you traveled. After you arrived at your destination and checked in at your hotel, what did you practise next? If yous're similar me, you probably idea near where you lot were going to consume. Just when you're new to an expanse, how practice you find a good spot?

Rather than asking the hotel clerk — who'southward probably a local and has eaten at every place nearby — most of usa have out our phones and practise a quick Google search. Studies evidence that 82% of customers won't patronize a business until they've read the reviews. And, since Google is the preferred review site for 64% of consumers, that means just one poor review could decide whether or not you choose to eat at a eating house.

Every company hopes to receive positive feedback, but the fact is that customers who have poor experiences are more likely to write an online review. It's your customer service team's chore to keep track of Google reviews and remove the negative comments that are harmful to your concern.

In this post, nosotros'll suspension downwards what a Google review looks like, how to delete them, and what to practise if yous can't.

Download Now: 20 Review Response Templates

To identify whether the review you're looking at is a Google review or not, wait for the following elements:

  • A hyperlink next to the star rating reads "Google reviews" or "# Reviews". This link will take y'all to private reviews that users have written.
  • There are no other company names on the review.
  • A rating calibration numbered from i to v. This won't always be visible, merely it can help y'all recognize a Google review if you come across one.

For example, have a look at the Google review page for HubSpot. Y'all'll notice each of the elements we listed above. This review appears in Google Maps, so information technology'due south integrated into the Google interface which makes it more clear that information technology is a Google review.

how to find google reviews

Can yous delete a Google review?

Unfortunately, Google doesn't offer a simple "delete" choice for its reviews. Instead, there are only two ways that a review tin be removed. The person who posted the review tin delete it or your business concern can "flag the review equally inappropriate." Flagging the review alerts Google that the review is simulated or that information technology doesn't comply with Google's review policies.

After that, you'll be guided to the landing page below where y'all'll need to complete a brief report of the consequence and submit your email for follow-upwardly communication.

Prototype Source

Information technology'due south important to note that Google has built-in spam checkers that automatically analyze a review for inappropriate, irrelevant, or misleading content. While this feature is pretty reliable, inaccurate reviews are sometimes overlooked which tin can lead to negative perceptions of your business.

In this case, you'll want to take matters into your own easily and written report the review yourself. Here's how to do that.

1. Open Google Maps and locate your concern.

Find the review on the Google reviews page

2. Find the review on the Google reviews page.

iii. Click the three vertical dots to the right of the review.

select the option to report the google review

4. Select the option Report Review.

five. Cull an selection for the question "What'south wrong with this review?".

choose the correct option for "what's wrong with this review?"

vi. Report the review to Google.

report the google review thank you page

When to Flag a Google Review

According to Google, the topics below are confronting its user terms and conditions. Therefore, if you notice a review that falls nether one of these categories, your team tin request to remove that content.

Irrelevant Comments

Google wants to make certain its users are getting accurate information about your business organization. So, if you're seeing comments that don't pertain to your system or a customer's experience, yous should flag these reviews for Google to remove.

Illegal Content

Some businesses provide products or services that are illegal in certain locations. Google accounts for this past prohibiting users from posting reviews that contain links to websites or email addresses that sell illegal products. This also includes images that promote products or special offers.

Inappropriate/Offensive/Explicit Content

Google will remove any content that it views every bit "obscene, profane, or offensive." It will also remove reviews that are threatening or contain derogatory comments. If you run into any reviews similar these, exist sure to flag them immediately to protect your make's image.

Conflicts of Interest

Google wants its reviews to be as unbiased as possible. Therefore, you can't post a review of a company that you own or work for. You likewise can't post a review of your competitor, every bit this would allow you to manipulate their rating in your favor.


Google values the accurateness of its reviews besides. Information technology doesn't desire to misrepresent a business or provide deceptive content to its users. Because of this, all Google reviews must be published by the person writing the review. You can't publish the review on someone'due south behalf or pretend to be someone else when submitting your review.

Disadvantages of Reporting a Google Review

As you can imagine, this procedure is slow and doesn't guarantee that your review will be removed. And, fifty-fifty if Google does decide to remove it, at that place'southward no telling when information technology will actually be taken downwards. In that time, your concern could lose thousands of customers if you look for Google to handle the consequence.

The other major setback is that Google won't remove a review but because it's negative. The betoken of Google reviews is to provide users with unbiased feedback from other customers' experiences. If those experiences are poor, Google wants its users to be aware of them. Then, if you're upset with a customer's opinion, the odds aren't in your favor for a removal.

Instead, your customer service team needs to take activity if you lot desire to remove a negative Google review.

Ways to Handle Google Reviews

1. Respond to the client'southward review.

The most effective way to handle a negative customer review is to respond to it. If your team fabricated a mistake that inspired a negative review, a genuine apology can get a long way in changing the perception a potential customer has of your make. If it's a positive review, an appreciative response makes an impact, too. Remember, these reviews are public for the customer as well as your business, and customers don't want to wait like the villain when your team responds underneath with a polite message.

2. Ask the customer to delete it.

The customer may answer positively to your team'southward comment just choose to go out the review up anyhow. They may recollect the matter is closed and that other users will see the review equally an case of your bully customer service. While we appreciate the sentiment, you and I both know we'd rather take the review removed then other customers but run into the positive experiences at your visitor.

In these cases, achieve out to the customer to run into if they will remove the review. If possible, message them on a private platform like e-mail, so the customer doesn't experience pressured by your request. Thank them for reading your reply and ask them if they will consider the removal of the review in light of their recent experiences with your company. Be sure to remain patient and don't make any demands on the client.

3. Solve the customer's problem.

This one may seem obvious, but customers ofttimes go out negative reviews considering their original need from your business organisation was never fulfilled. For case, you may bask the client service at a restaurant but hate the food they serve you. Even though your beefiness — pun intended — isn't with the eating house's staff, your review withal gets counted all the same.

Information technology'south important to recognize the problems that customers are reporting in your negative reviews and take action to correct them. Once you lot exercise, follow up with the customers who left poor reviews and see if they're willing to try your product or service again. Make it articulate that you have taken steps to right your past mistakes and you all the same value their human relationship with your business. While you may not win every client over, this promotes a client-axial civilization for your brand's reputation.

4. Follow upwards with customers.

One common statistic that customer service experts similar to bespeak out is that 85% of customers believe reviews older than three months are irrelevant. However, this stat neglects that these older reviews nevertheless count towards your business'due south overall rating on Google. That rating is extremely of import considering 52% of customers will non buy from a business if it has less than a 4-star rating.

Additionally, a lot tin can change with your business as you grow and develop over time. A Google review that was posted two years agone may not be as authentic today. If the user is yet active, effort to contact them via the review and see if they would be willing to edit their post. Or, offering them an incentive to try your product or service once more in exchange for an updated review.

5. Authenticate the review.

Believe information technology or not, some people on the net are mendacious. It gets worse. Some people will even write fake reviews to sabotage their competitors' business.

If yous're dubious of a review's authenticity, await for signs that would confirm it is a fake. False reviews often lack details and seem similar they could use to nearly any business. Check to run into if the reviewer has left any other reviews and if they accept a picture listed with their business relationship. Then reply to the review. If you lot don't become a response, flag the post as inappropriate and wait for Google to review your report.

The Ability of Google Reviews is in Your Hands

Waiting for Google to remove a review from its search engine can be fourth dimension-consuming and deadening. Notwithstanding, the steps listed higher up should help your customer service squad apace address negative Google reviews and better your relationship with new and existing customers.

Editor's note: This mail was originally published in January 2022 and has been updated for comprehensiveness.

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Originally published Sep 21, 2022 ii:45:00 PM, updated November 12 2022